1- Privacy Policy Platforms:

This privacy policy applies to the Hajatak website, its programs and applications and is valid for all customers whether they are users of the website via www. hajatak.com or mobile application users. Any reference to the “Site” or “Website” means a reference to the Hajatak website, software and applications.

2- Change the privacy policy:

This Privacy Policy may be subject to change from time to time. The current version of this Privacy Policy is published online by Hajatak. You should check our Privacy Policy regularly. Your continued use of the Hajatak website, application and services constitutes your acceptance of this privacy policy, as it is amended from time to time.

3- Your rights:

Your rights about your personal data -

You have the right to be informed of any personal data we may hold or process for you -

You have the right to request access to your personal data which we may hold or process for you -

You have the right to ask us to correct any errors in your personal data, and this is done free of charge -

You have the right to ask us to stop using your personal data for direct marketing purposes.

You have the right to ask us to erase your personal data or to determine how it will be dealt with -

You have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority if you encounter a problem -

4- Acknowledgment:

I hereby declare that I have read and understood this Privacy Policy. By submitting data to Hajank or its agent/s or my use of Hajank's website, applications or services, I voluntarily and expressly consent to the collection, sharing, use and retention of my data in the procedures described in this Privacy Policy.

5- Safety:

We use appropriate security technologies and procedures to prevent unauthorized or illegal access, loss or destruction of your information. When we collect data through the website, we store your personal information on a database within a secure electronic server. We use firewall systems on our servers. When we collect payment card details electronically, we protect them by using encryption, such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). It is therefore difficult for any hacker to decrypt your information since we cannot guarantee 100% protection. We strongly advise you not to send your full credit or debit card details when you communicate with us electronically and without encryption. We place direct physical, electronic and procedural safeguards on the process of collecting or disclosing your information. Our security procedures require that we sometimes ask you to verify your identity before we disclose your personal information to you. It is your responsibility to protect your password and your computer from any unauthorized access.

6- Login information:

Every time you visit the Hajanak website, program, or application, information is sent from your browser (via your device) to the Hajanak server, where it is saved. This information includes: the time and date of visiting the site, the pages you viewed, the IP address, the URL that led you to your needs, the amount of information stored, and the type of browser used.

Once we have all this information, all IP addresses are deleted or anonymized. Anonymization means that your IP address has been changed in such a way that it cannot be linked to the original user or can only be linked through extensive research.

The anonymous information stored in the server log file is used to improve the shopping experience on the Hajatak website by making browsing our website easier, finding errors quickly and directing server capabilities to develop according to the importance of the need. For example, this information allows us to calculate peak times and develop a plan that makes the server capacity sufficient to support these times and thus provide the required speed and ease while browsing and shopping from our website.

Announcement of customer approval

In connection with my continued use of the Hajatak website, I hereby allow Hajatak to analyze the protocol data and use it to develop and improve their e-marketing store.